Monday, June 4, 2012

Keeping Up With The Rockefellers

Though the spring has been around for ages, the use of the spring is constantly evolving and expanding. With innovation constantly demanding more from industry, EBSCO Spring C.O.O. Todd P. is always out to put a new twist (no pun intended) on the business of spring manufacturing. 

Looking for the latest and greatest ways to keep business functioning as smoothly as possible, Todd P. has put hours of his personal time researching books and other resources for some of the best ways to bring out the full potential of EBSCO Spring Company and allow the company to function as efficiently as possible. In his most recent read, Mastering the Rockefeller Habits by Verne Harish, Todd P. has been discovering how the industry greats got to be so great. Though there is a whole industry "what you must do to succeed" style books in the business section of your local bookstore, Todd P. concedes that he does not believe reading every one of these is exactly required; rather, they are sources for business ideas that can prove to be helpful depending on the business scenario. 

To read up more on business reads, check out Todd P's latest blog here. For the finest springs the market has to offer, trust nothing else but the quality springs from EBSCO Spring Company. 

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